
BW, Education, Inspiration, Italy, Travel, Venice

Very often I try to find something that matches a feeling I have. On the other hand, a lot of times I photograph with nothing specific in mind. I just play it as it comes. If it’s good, fine. I find ‘letting it happen’ relaxing, a playful vacation. Stimulating pictures almost always result. — Minor White

We are over a year and a half of this nonsense. I’m counting from the day after St Patrick’s Day cause that’s when my wife and I officially decided to self-quarantine. The world is still in turmoil even with the vaccine rollout. Here in the States last I had heard we topped well over 500,000 Deaths! What is the current number Worldwide?

People are still either pretending it’s a political story and are refusing to believe it, or are in complete denial because it’s too difficult to believe.

I haven’t heard about people from other parts of the world taking Livestock Deworming Medicine. But there are parts of the States where Farmers are finding it difficult to acquire this. Can you imagine people refusing to take a medication that can protect themselves that is being given Worldwide and instead taking something that is not only Not Recommended by the Medical Community but is more damaging than the Virus itself? Just search for Poison Control Stats about Invermectin. I think that’s how you spell it.

We are living in a full blown SciFi Movie where people are so in denial that they are poisoning themselves because of false information being spread by those whom actually have been Vaccinated!

People taking trips, going on cruise ships. I don’t get it. Waiting it out and being proactive for the short term knowing that once this passes we can resume our “Normal” Lives. We still see those not wearing masks! Again I just can’t follow the logic. We are both vaccinated and still wear masks! Why? Just in case we might have it with out having any symptoms and unknowingly give it to or spread to someone else. It’s really only that simple!

Some claim it’s Infringement of our Freedoms! Yeah well what about my So Called Freedom? We can’t Travel because you’re perpetuating the Virus!

Some cultures have been wearing and using Masks on there own, way before this current Plague. That’s right I said it. That’s exactly what this is, A Plague. Governments and the Medical Community are refusing to call this a Plague because it might scare people. I say if they need to be scared into protecting themselves or others than why Not? They are still trying to compare this to the Common Flu….

People refusing to wear Seatbelts until the Laws were passed! Now we don’t even think about it. We climb inside a car and automatically reach for the Seatbelts right?

A few years ago when it was a rare sight to see someone going about there business wearing a mask. I had spotted this Lady in a Gondola going by on the Grand Canal. I remember trying to figure out why someone would do this. Did she have a Cold and was just being Polite as to not spread her germs?

Oh how I miss traveling! Soon, hopefully….

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