World Photography Day


Friday August 20, 2021

The photographer sees the world as a child sees the bits of glass in a kaleidoscope. If he has a camera with which he can secure these ever-changing combinations, he is then able to look on them again and again, and he has the further pleasure of pleasing others with the sight of things which he, with perhaps unusual opportunities, was able to see, which his friends would otherwise not ever be able to.

Frank Meadow Sutcliffe

Yesterday Thursday was actually World Photography Day! I think making it a celebration for the weekend would be much better all around.

There is a funny Meme going around “Here’s to those that still use a camera not connected to your phone”!

Photography was never supposed to be about the equipment! That was created by the Manufacturers and Advertising Agencies. Photography is and should be about the Magic and Mystical experience of Creativity while having the ability to let others see and enjoy the Photographers Work.

It’s the Magic that’s changed! We bring our images to the Digital Darkroom to work on the images. In the Wet Darkroom we had to suffer from the darkness with dim Red Colored Light Bulbs. The smell of chemicals and trying not to get our hands to contaminate anything. They’re both difficult. So difficult in fact that the attitude of developing something in the Darkroom has become an evil thought or a bad word. Why? It’s an excuse for those too lazy or stubborn to take the time to work at it. I’m sure you’ve all heard the comments “Pure” or the funny one. “Straight out of Camera “! Please! Unless it’s a Raw Image, the Menu places an algorithm of some kind on your precious work. Sharpening, Clarity or maybe more contrast. Is it “Pure”? Nope! What is it then? It’s too difficult and time consuming so they make an excuse.

So here’s to the Magic of Photography!

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