Destruction of the World


Friday April 9th, 2021

By sight and observation and thought, with the help of the camera, and the addition of the date of the year, we can hold fast the history of the world. – Julia Margaret Cameron

First we lost another from our childhood yesterday. All those who sat in front of the TV set and watched F Troop. We lost James Hampton who played Hannibal Dobbs.

April 5th Monday we received our Second Covid Vaccination. Next day was when I started to feel the Side Effects. Monday nights sleep was terrible, waking up every 2 hours. Couldn’t get comfortable. After all we’ve heard it was pretty light really from what some of my friends have complained about.

Loss of appetite, yup. Felt feverish, yup. Chills never happened but I did feel cold! Best way to describe the next feeling is wobbly. It felt like my balance was slightly off and weak. This is truthfully the one symptom that is still with me. That and my “Normal” Sleep pattern is off. Having to lie down twice a day is not normal for me. But having to pee every 2 hours is making me feel like a water fountain! That I think has gotten better?

Now Johnson & Johnson Covid Vax has been pulled over in Europe. I just read an article that several people had adverse reactions and had to be hospitalized. Meanwhile here in the States several Governors are trying to open up their States and ignore about all Covid Precautions! Awe people are tired of being forced to care for others! Listen Up people! This Virus should be thought of as a Plague! The real enemy! It doesn’t tire! It doesn’t rest! It doesn’t sleep! It sits and waits for Us to drop our guard! This Virus is not going away anytime soon!

The Government’s should act accordingly and set a better example instead of letting the world self destruct! The pettiness of self involvement is disturbing!

As Photographers it is our responsibility to document what’s going on. People refusing to wear masks in stores then complain when called out!

When Society Fails the people! When Governments Attack its own citizens using Military Force because they want control! You think it can’t happen? It’s happening this very minute in Myanmar.

Military Coupe In Myanmar

What can we do? That is the real problem here. People won’t want to believe anything that threatens the comfort of everyday life! People are refusing to wear masks and arguing that it takes away there freedom. In the United States advisors were telling the past President that he had every right to use the Military to overthrow the last election. Read the article above that I linked to for Myanmar. Sounds exactly like the same thing.

It starts small when local governments forget those that society has failed and tries to pass blame on any excuse. Especially in these trying times of the current Global Pandemic. In the United States we have Voter Suppression laws being passed in Georgia and now Texas is making a play for the same thing.

What about Veterans? Does the local government support Veterans and the care they might need? How as Photographers can we be safe and still show what is really happening? I am truly not sure if this gentleman is a veteran.


What about the elderly?

We show our images that maybe someone somewhere gets information to an organization that can do better! When I was growing up we had “Life Magazine” that did exactly what needed to be done. They are sorry to say gone at this point. The Only Tool at our disposal is of course the Internet! Try searching for Life Magazine to see the impact that they made.

Just did a fast search for Life Magazine and one of the many hits was this. This is truly an inspiration.

Have I made you think?

Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for reading.


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